WHO Bahrain Takes the Lead in Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance

WHO Bahrain efforts in Combating Antimicrobial Resistance
WHO Representative headlines workshop on AWaRe antibiotic book at the University of Bahrain
On 18 September 2024, as part of the World Health Organization ongoing efforts to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR), Dr Tasnim Atatrah, WHO Representative, participated in a workshop hosted by the College of Health and Sports Sciences, University of Bahrain, to promote the recently published WHO AwaRe antibiotic book. A new gold-standard resource, the WHO AwaRe antibiotic book, provides health workers with evidence-based guidance on the appropriate prescribing and dispensing of antibiotics in primary health care and hospital settings.
The workshop was inaugurated by Dr Leena Khonji, Dean of the College of Health and Sports Sciences. It featured keynote speakers such as H.E. Dr Jamila Al-Salman, the newly appointed Chair of the WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (STAG-AMR) and a member of the Shura Council, and Dr Tasnim Atatrah, WHO Representative. The technical discussions informed around 100 newly employed doctors in Government Hospitals, Primary Health Care Centres, and private hospitals on the critical role of the AWaRe antibiotic book in addressing AMR and, more broadly, contributing to achieving universal health coverage.
Among the key highlights of the workshop was honouring the extraordinary contributions of the University of Bahrain pharmacists, who were among the eight winners selected in the WHO competition on “Tackling the misuse and overuse of antibiotics in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.” This competition, launched by the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean in the lead-up to World AMR Awareness Week 2024, required those participating either to film a short video to compete regionally (track one) or create a campaign proposal to compete nationally (track two). The University of Bahrain pharmacists —who competed and won under track two — were recognised in front of their peers with certificates of appreciation for their efforts towards better prescribing behaviour.

College of Health and Sports Sciences, with the eight winners selected in the WHO competition on “Tackling
the misuse and overuse of antibiotics in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.” Photo credit: WHO / WHO
WHO Bahrain boosts fight against antimicrobial resistance with interactive booth at AMR conference
From 19-22 September 2024, WHO participated in the 2nd Bahrain International Conference of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Infectious Diseases, organised by the Bahrain Medical Society’s Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Association in collaboration with Education Plus in the Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel. Held in the presence of the Chairman of the Supreme Council for Health, H.E. Lieutenant General Dr Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, the conference provided a platform for more than 650 healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders to discuss and explore the latest advancements in the field of infectious diseases and AMR.
The conference featured a series of lectures and cutting-edge scientific papers, most notably from Dr Hala Amer, AMR Regional Advisor at the WHO Regional Office, who outlined the AMR burden in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region and the challenges and opportunities for accelerated actions. WHO's active participation was also visible through the booth organised by the country office, where visitors of various ages were educated about the WHO AWaRe antibiotic book, which guides health professionals in selecting the best antibiotics for their patients. The AMR Survivors Taskforce's video testimonials were also among the many awareness-raising resources visitors engaged with, learning about the taskforce members’ experiences in surviving drug-resistant infections and providing care for those with severe drug-resistant infections.
Furthermore, WHO Bahrain capitalised on the conference to recognise the remarkable contributions of H.E. Dr Jamila Al-Salman, a member of the Shura Council, in the fight against infectious diseases. Dr Tasnim Atatrah, WHO Representative, presented H.E. Dr Al-Salman with an achievement award in honour of her recent appointment as Chair of the WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (STAG-AMR), the principal advisory group to WHO on AMR. The STAG-AMR, which consists of 25 global infectious diseases experts, is mandated to advise the WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and the AMR Division on overall global policies and strategies to address AMR within the context of human health while considering relevant World Health Assembly resolutions and decisions.

International Conference of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)”.
Photo credit: WHO / WHO Bahrain.

award to H.E. Dr Jameela Alsalman, member of the Shura
Council, on her appointment as Chair of the WHO Strategic and
Technical Advisory Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (STAG-
AMR). Photo credit: WHO / WHO Bahrain.
WHO Bahrain awards the winning students in the Regional Competition
On 26 November 2024, WHO Bahrain, in collaboration with the University of Bahrain, awarded the winning students in the competition held by the WHO Regional Office on “Tackling the misuse and overuse of antibiotics in the Eastern Mediterranean Region” to recognize their extraordinary contributions.
Nursing students from the University of Bahrain's College of Health and Sport Sciences were among the four winners chosen for track one, tying for third place, where they were required to film a short video to compete regionally.
During the awarding, Dr Tasnim Atatrah , WHO Representative in Bahrain; Dr Fuad Al-Ansari, President of the University of Bahrain; and Dr Leena Mohammad Khonji, Dean of College of Health and Sport Sciences at the University of Bahrain, emphasized the critical role which young health professionals play in preserving the efficacy of current antibiotics, praising the winning students for acting as change agents for better prescribing behaviour.
The regional competition was launched in September 2023 in the lead-up to World AMR Awareness Week to encourage the use of the recently published WHO AWaRe Antibiotic Book, which provides health workers with advice on appropriate antibiotic prescribing and dispensing. It targeted university students and young health professionals.

“Tackling the misuse and overuse of antibiotics in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.”
Photo credit: WHO / WHO Bahrain.