The annual forum provided an opportunity for the exchange of views between ITU and its stakeholders.
United Nations Resident Coordinator in Bahrain Khaled El Mekwad commended on Monday Bahrain’s commitment to fostering innovation and technological progress.
“Bahrain has taken significant steps towards realizing the full potential of digital technologies, positioning itself as a regional hub for innovation and ICT development”, El Mekwad said.
“Such commitment is strongly streamlined with the implementation of its national Vision 2030 and Bahrain’s progress in embracing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, he said.
El Mekwad was speaking at the opening of the Annual Regional Development Forum for Arab States (RDF-ARB), organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and hosted by Bahrain’s Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications, which took place in Manama from 6 to 7 November 2023.
El Mekwad also highlighted the transformative power of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a backbone of our modern world, influencing every facet of our lives, from education and healthcare to commerce and governance.
As such, he emphasized the on the importance of the RDF-ARB in driving digital transformation efforts and encouraging stakeholders in the region to collaborate, share knowledge, and harness the immense potential of ICTs.
Caption: United Nations Resident Coordinator in Bahrain Khaled El Mekwad speaks at the ITU Regional Development Forum for the Arab States (RDF-ARB) 2023.
The RDF-ARB reported on the progress that has been made towards the implementation of the outcomes of the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2022 (WTDC-22) held in Kigali, Rwanda, in June 2022. Emphasis was given to the five Regional Initiatives for Arab Region approved at WTDC-22, as well as other activities under the five thematic priority areas adopted at WTDC-22.
The Annual Regional Development Forum for the Arab States provided an opportunity for the exchange of views between ITU and its stakeholders including ITU Member States, Sector Members as well as other stakeholders in the Arab Region. It served as a platform for discussing ways to achieve meaningful connectivity and sustainable digital transformation in the region.