Press Release

Our Common Agenda Policy Brief 11: UN 2.0 - Forward-thinking culture and cutting-edge skills for better United Nations system impact

10 September 2023

"UN 2.0 unlocks novel, impactful approaches and solutions for SDG progress, at a time when it is needed the most.”- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

As we approach the midpoint of the 2030 Agenda, it is evident that the world is off course in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To get back on track, everyone—including the United Nations system—needs to rethink, refocus, and recharge.

In response, the Secretary-General issued his final Policy Brief on Our Common Agenda, titled “UN 2.0: Cutting-Edge Skills and Forward-Thinking Culture for UN System Impact.” UN 2.0 represents a vision for a rejuvenated United Nations system, better equipped to support member states in the twenty-first century and turbocharge progress on the SDGs.

At the core of UN 2.0 are stronger capabilities in five modern areas of expertise: a dynamic fusion of data, innovation, digital, behavioral science and strategic foresight, which we call our “quintet of change.” To foster environments where these cutting-edge skills thrive, the UN 2.0 will be rooted in a shift towards organizational cultures that put a priority on agility, learning, and creativity.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations

Goals we are supporting through this initiative